Monday, August 31, 2015

Review: Don't Bite the Hook: Finding Freedom from Anger, Resentment, and Other Destructive Emotions

Don't Bite the Hook: Finding Freedom from Anger, Resentment, and Other Destructive Emotions Don't Bite the Hook: Finding Freedom from Anger, Resentment, and Other Destructive Emotions by Pema Chödrön
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I will read and listen to this book several times more. Pema Chodrun is a wise woman with a sense of humor and a sense of what's important in human interaction. I'm not many years from 60, and still learning more about how effectively to contribute my part in the world; how to stand tall in what I know in a way that does not discount what others know.
Pema Chodrun's actual voice on the audio book versions allows the listener a fuller experience of the author's ideas.
Don't Bite the Hook. Read the book.

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